Privacy Policies


Privacy policies

Unique Media Solutions knows that you may have concerns about privacy while shopping or surfing on the Internet. This Privacy Policy describes how we use with the help of following points.

What information do we collect online?

We need your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and other information necessary to fulfill and track your order for purposes of billing while you make a purchase online.

We ask for, you will need to provide your credit card type, number, expiration date and billing address for the card.

Information collected on may be used in the following ways:

*  Create an online account for you at

*  Bill your credit card for your purchases

*  Confirm and track your orders

*  espond to your customer-service inquiries or requests

*  Provide promotional communications and other information to you, if you choose to receive them

*  Offer the products you want.

*  Revise our website design based on anonymous information about our site visitors

How do we protect the security of your information?

All information transmitted through Unique Media Solutions is stored on our secure server. We use an individual Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL technology is designed to encrypt your information, preventing an unauthorized party from viewing and downloading your information. Your web browser should display a web address with an "https" prefix, indicating that the SSL technology is operating when using certain portions of our website like our Checkout and My Account features.


This Privacy Policy applies just to this website. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third party sites. We have appropriate security measures in place to ensure the security of your data. If you have any queries or requests relating to this Privacy Policy or the use of your personal data you may write to: we may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time.

Resource Abuse Policy

This Resource Abuse Policy (RAP) applies to you while agreement, you should agree with this policy completely, we are providing the service to you and your account is in good standing

If you have visited a websites designed by Unique Media Solution, it contains all the illegal material and we strictly prohibit the use of our services for software piracy, copyright infringement, sharing pornographic material, the defamation of others, unsolicited email communication and other such illegal and offensive activity. While we are not responsible for such behavior, we do take strict disciplinary action against offenders.

If you will have any complaints please submit issues regarding the abuse of our services including, we will review all complaints for validity and will take appropriate action, and as part of our investigation, it may also be necessary for us to corroborate your complaint with our customer.

To report the abuse of site hosted by Unique Media Solution, please complete the contact us form. The information you submit will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Service level agreement

Service level agreement is the scheduling and exhibits, an agreement made depends on the time frame, by and between Company Name, and having a principal place of business located at Company.

The Company and Vendor further desire to agree on certain terms and conditions we have mentioned all our points on Term and condition Page and we will apply them to all our providing services .

Client Service

*  Ensure that all calls and emails are responded to by the end of the day

*  Keep the client up to date on relevant information jobs in progress

*  Provide alternative solutions for any issues that may occur

*  Project review meeting with the Client arranged in case to take any brief about requirements.

Project Management

*  A detailed timing plan will be presented with concepts according phases.

*  Project and production timing plans will be provided you, a revised timing plan will also be provided in case of needed. Any changes to ultimate
    delivery will be discussed and agreed with the Client.

*  Unique Media Solution will always aim to meet the original deadline. Where this is not possible potential alternative solutions will be provided.

Finance and Billing

*  Any changes in costs will be discussed with the client and documented via email.

*  A final cost estimate will be provided at the end of the job.

*  After finishing project and client approval , final costs or an invoice will be issued.