

Use of our services implies that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions.

Term of Use

It is very necessary before getting our services please read our complete terms of use of our websiteand youshould agree to these terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions are applicable to all projects that are undertaken by Unique Media Solutions.

1. Acceptance

These terms and conditions are always available on our projects for review. Unique Media Solutions ever attached copy of these terms and conditions submitted along with project quotations.Alternatively, payment of an advance fee or payment online is an acceptance of our terms and conditions.

2. Charges

Unique Media Solutions define the Charges for services to be provided in the quotation that the Client receives via e-mail. Quotations are valid for a period of 30 days. We reserve the right to alter or decline to provide a quotation after expiry of the valid time scale.

All the projects will treated in the same manner to be getting in advance payment of fifty 50 percent of the project quotation total before work. The remaining balance of the project quotation total will be due upon completion of the work prioritized to upload to the server or release of materials. Payment for services is due by online payment through Unique Media Solutions ofPayPal service, cheque or bank transfer.

3. Client Review

We provide the Client with an opportunity to review the appearance and content of the project during the design and once they are completed.

4. Product Schedule and Content Control

Unique Media Solutions Provide the date specified in the project proposal, according to the requirement of the project. If we do not specify the date, the timescale shall be within four weeks of the date initial payment is received from the Client, unless a delay is specifically requested by the Client and agreed by Unique Media Solutions.

During the project, Unique Media Solutions will require the Client to provide copy and images. If content is not provided within four 4 weeks of an official request by email then Unique Media Solutions reserves the right to advise the Client of a revision to the final payment fee based on new or revised pricing schedules that may be introduced from time to time.. Unique Media Solutions will agree, at its discretion, to recommence the project after agreement is reached on a new quotation document and once the original fees have been paid.

5. Payment

Invoices are normally sent via email; however, the Client may elect to receive hard copy invoices. Invoices are due within 30 days of receipt after which a reminder will be sent to the Client.

6. Access Requirements.

If the Client's project is to be installed on a third-party server, Unique Media Solutions must be granted temporary read/write access to the Client's storage directories, and those directories must be accessible via FTP. Depending on the specific nature of the project, other resources might also need to be configured on the server.

7. Termination.

This Project Agreement may be terminated by Unique Media Solutions immediately if Customer fails to pay any fees or fails to cooperate with Company to provide any requirements that is necessary for the project completion.

8. Refunds.

The client will pay for any work done by Unique Media Solutions up to the point at which the work or service has been cancelled. Though cancellation may be due to the level of satisfaction in a project, all sales are final and nonrefundable. To avoid cancellation provide the task lists, descriptions, examples at the beginning of the project. No refunds will be made for any work which has been completed.

9. Cancellations

For Hosting: All sales are final for any pre-paid hosting. You may cancel hosting not yet paid for. For any BPO Services: Deposits are non-refundable but a refund for any work not yet preformed minus a ten percent overhead feed is available if notified by a phone call or in writing within five business days of the scheduled start of the work.

10. Defaulter

If the Cheques returned for insufficient funds will be assessed a return charge and the Client's account will immediately be considered to be in default until full payment is received. Clients proved to be defaulter in agree to pay Unique Media Solutions reasonable expenses, including legal fees and costs for collection by third-party agencies, Unique Media Solutions may reserve the right to remove all such material from its web space If the Client proved to be defaulted.

11. General.

According to Unique Media Solutions These Terms and Conditions depend on representations, understandings or agreements. The Client's signature below or payment of an advance fee constitutes agreement to and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Payment online is an acceptance of our terms and conditions.